July 31, 2019
Glioblastoma Awareness Day – One Day That Brought the Brain Tumor Community Together

A Note from Head for the Cure Executive Director
Head for the Cure was thrilled to endorse the resolution of officially making July 17th National Glioblastoma Awareness Day. The inaugural day sparked a breathtaking movement not only for those who support Head for the Cure, but those affected by a brain tumor across the country. Never before have the major brain tumor foundations and organizations come together for one joint cause. It was absolutely amazing to watch!
This day was championed by the National Brain Tumor Society because of their working relationships with Congress and other key political figures. The resolution was unanimously passed after gaining several sponsors in the Senate for this resolution including Lindsay Graham (SC), Elizabeth Warren (Mass) and Roy Blunt (MO), to name a few. The NBTS then included other brain tumor advocacy groups including Head for the Cure to join the movement.
Through social media and other messaging, we heard powerful stories of survival, inspiration from personal journeys and struggles and remembered those who have lost their battle with a glioblastoma.
Bringing the brain tumor community together is incredibly important because a brain tumor diagnosis can be an isolating feeling. These stories connected those who are fighting or who have supported someone throughout their diagnosis; moreover, it also brought the movement to people who had no real idea about what a brain tumor diagnosis means to a person’s life.
Nothing is more compelling than sharing raw and vivid stories that enhance the human spirit, celebrate life and inspire others to carry on in someone’s memory. This disease is bigger than one organization…bigger than one person. This disease is illusive, has taken too many lives, and
the best way for us to find a cure is by continuing to collaborate for the greater good. No one fights alone!
Jenna Heilman is the Executive Director at Head for the Cure Foundation (HFTC). HFTC raises awareness, funds and hope for the brain tumor community in support of brain tumor research and programs, like Brains for the Cure. If you’d like to learn more about how to get involved to share your story or advocate for brain tumor patients, email [email protected].