The Importance of Shared Decision-Making for Patients with Glioblastoma

A brain tumor patient will encounter numerous specialists and need to make a multitude of decisions throughout their journey. With these factors and more, navigating cancer care can be overwhelming. 

For patients with glioblastoma (GBM), management is even more challenging due to their poor prognosis, feelings of isolation, need for treatment, and cognitive decline associated with this rare and progressive disorder.

For these reasons, shared decision-making (SDM) must be integrated into standard practice so that patients’ expectations and goals are considered when discussing and weighing the risks and benefits of treatments.

Thanks to the support of Novocure, the Head for the Cure Foundation collaborated with the Musella Foundation, American Brain Tumor Association, and EndBrainCancer Initiative to put together a robust publication about the importance of SDM. Read the full paper here.

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