Questions to Ask Your Surgeon

These questions will help you decide if surgery is the best treatment option for you, prepare you for surgery, and ensure you are receiving the best possible care.

Questions to Ask:

  • Why is surgery needed?
  • What are my alternatives to surgery?
  • Are there other treatment options available based on my current medical condition?
  • How many brain tumor patients with my tumor type do you treat each year?
  • What other specialists will be a part of my healthcare team?
  • What are the benefits of surgery?
  • How long will the surgery last?
  • What are the risks and possible complications of having the operation?
  • What happens if I do not have the operation?
  • Should I get a second opinion?
  • What is your experience in doing this operation?

We recommend downloading these questions as part of our Patient Resource Guide and taking them with you to your appointments. 

Download Patient Resource Guide

Seeking a Second Opinion

Many patients may choose to see additional doctors for second opinions before selecting their medical team and course of treatment. Brains for the Cure in coordination with Head for the Cure is honored to work with some of the top medical centers across the country.

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