Navigating the path of a brain tumor journey involves more than medical decisions—it’s about finding the right support throughout the entire journey. When facing such a diagnosis, it becomes clear how important it is to have all-encompassing care, including hospice care. These resources empower you and your family to make thoughtful decisions, providing the essential support for a more comfortable and dignified experience during the tough times. You’re not alone on this journey, and these resources are here to accompany you through every twist and turn.

Hospice care is designed to make patients as comfortable as possible when end of life is near. It is important to discuss and decide which type of hospice care would be best for your loved one. It is encouraged to speak with your loved one about their goals of treatment and you and the patient should both be a part of this conversation from the very beginning. A social worker or member of your medical team can help provide more information if you are interested to learn how hospice care may help your loved one. Options include:

Hospice Foundation of America: Explore the resources provided by the Hospice Foundation of America, offering information on hospice care, finding hospice services, and coping with grief. Gain a better understanding of what to expect and how to make informed decisions during this critical phase. 

Hospice Care Questions:

  1. When is the right time to consider hospice care for a brain tumor patient, and what criteria determine eligibility?
  2. Can you explain the goals and focus of hospice care, especially concerning comfort, dignity, and quality of life for both the patient and their family?
  3. What services does hospice care provide specifically for brain tumor patients, and how do these services differ from other forms of care?
  4. How is hospice care delivered – is it primarily at home, in a specialized facility, or a combination of both?
  5. Are there specific considerations or preparations needed for transitioning from palliative care to hospice care?
  6. What kind of emotional and spiritual support is available for both the patient and their family during hospice care?

Open and honest communication with the healthcare team is crucial. These questions can serve as a starting point for discussions that will help patients make informed decisions about their care.

In-Home Hospice Care

In-home hospice care provides the information and tools necessary to help your loved one’s quality of life.

Hospice Facilities

You might consider moving your loved one to a hospice or extended-care facility due in your area if your home is not conducive to in-home care.

In-Hospital Hospice

Some hospitals offer hospice care within their facilities. Hospital staff can provide information for what is available in your area.

Before choosing hospice care, you may consider finding palliative care to improve your quality of life during or after treatment. Learn more about palliative care here.