March 10, 2021
OncoSynergy Treats First Patient in Clinical Trial of Recurrent Glioblastoma

OncoSynergy, Inc. launched the company’s First-in-Human Phase 1 clinical trial evaluating a treatment of recurrent glioblastoma. Today they announced the first patient has been treated in this trial using OS2966, a first-in-class immunotherapy, and the first ever anti-CD29 (beta 1 integrin) therapeutic to reach human trials.
“After a decade developing and demonstrating the pre-clinical potential of OS2966 in the most difficult to treat cancers, we are thrilled to have treated our first patient in a study specifically designed to overcome these challenges.”
Anne-Marie Carbonell, MD | OncoSynergy Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer
Learn more about OS2966 and this innovative trial here.