Resources: For You and Your Loved One With a Brain Tumor

Tom: “When it comes to medications, ask providers, is there a grant, is there a way to get this paid for. There are opportunities out there.”

Find Resources and Organizations Near You

There are so many moving parts associated with a brain tumor diagnosis. Find resources for financial assistance, support groups, treatment options, and more.

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Look For Highly Rated Brain Tumor Centers

Brains for the Cure and Head for the Cure are honored to work with top doctors and hospitals around the country. If you are looking for a second opinion, this list is a good place to start.

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Download Our Printable Resource Guide

Our Patient Resource Guide is a great place to keep all the information about your loved one’s diagnosis and treatment plan. With space included for all your medical team’s contact information, several questions sheets about treatment and clinical trials, and note pages, this guide can be taken to every appointment to have all you need to remember in one spot.

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First-Person: How I Learned I Wasn’t In This Alone

Molly is a Anaplastic Astrocytoma Survivor. Throughout her journey with brain cancer she found support in many places.

Read Molly’s Story

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