Subtopic Categories: E: Caregiver - Overcoming anxiety

Caregiver Questionnaire

E: Caregiver - Overcoming anxiety


Emotional - Lack of Resources

Emotional: Caregiver - Emotions Felt

JPH Guide

Believing the Diagnosis and Overcoming Anxiety

Receiving a brain cancer diagnosis can feel like a sudden storm hitting your life, leaving you confused and overwhelmed. Besides the physical challenges, the emotional turmoil can be intense, especially the unwarranted anxiety that may show up throughout your brain cancer journey. Living with a brain tumor can be an exceptionally worrying time. However, there are many ways to help you cope with brain tumor anxiety.Distract yourselfTalk to othersPractice mindfulnessPsychological therapies for coping with brain tumor anxietyCognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)Applied relaxationPsychological TherapiesMedication Engage in Distraction: Keeping yourself occupied can be an effective strategy to divert your mind from worries. Exploring new hobbies, …

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Caregiver Questionnaire

Caregiver Stories (Homepage)


E: Balancing hope with reality


Emotional - Lack of Resources

Emotional: Caregiver - Emotions Felt

Staying Strong as a Caregiver: Making Things a Little Easier | Book Recommendations

Written by: Courtney Benisch | Regional Relationship Coordinator for Head for the Cure and Brains for the Cure Ambassador The past year has been tough mentally, physically, and emotionally. In an all-consuming time where we are …

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brain cancer

Caregiver Questionnaire

Caregiver Stories (Homepage)

E: Caregiver - Balancing care and self


Relational - Finding Rhythm

Relational: Caregiver - Understanding the Relational Aspect of the Journey

Staying Strong as a Caregiver: Day to Day Life Changes

Written by: Courtney Benisch – Regional Relationship Coordinator for Head for the Cure Once you become a caregiver, your life changes instantly. Roles will reverse in the household and it will change the way you …

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