Subtopic Categories: M: Potential side effects of treatment and management tips

Caregiver Questionnaire

JPH Guide

M: Appointment Expectations


Medical - Management

What to Expect From Your Follow-up Appointment

Follow-up care is a major part of the brain tumor treatment path. The journey for people diagnosed with a brain tumor does not end when active treatment has finished. Your health care team will continue to check that the tumor has not come back, manage any side effects, and monitor your overall health. This is called follow-up care. After treatment, expect routine physical exams, tests, and MRI scans to monitor your recovery. Due to the potential for tumor recurrence, the frequency of follow-ups will be tailored to your specific case.

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Caregiver Questionnaire

JPH Guide

M: Potential side effects of treatment and management tips


Medical - Management

Medical: Diet & Maintaining Daily Life

Potential Side Effects of Treatment and Tips on Management

How chemotherapy drugs work to treat brain cancerCytotoxic and cytostatic: Two treatment strategies All chemotherapy medications are meant to disrupt the way that cancerous cells duplicate, causing tumors to grow, however there are two major categories of chemo drugs. Cytotoxic medications work by killing the cells directly, while cytostatic medications are meant to stop the cells from dividing. It is important to note that any chemotherapy medication will affect both healthy and cancerous cells, a process that may produce a wide array of side effects in patients.

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brain cancer

Caregiver Questionnaire

M: Potential side effects of treatment and management tips


Medical - Management

Medical: Alternate Treatments (Outside SOC)


Myofascial Release Therapy: A Promising Complementary Approach for Brain Cancer Patients

Brain cancer is a devastating diagnosis that profoundly affects patients and their families. The treatment of brain cancer typically involves a combination of surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy. While these treatments are crucial for combating cancer, they often come with a host of physical and emotional side effects. Myofascial release therapy is emerging as a complementary approach that can provide significant benefits to brain cancer patients, helping them manage symptoms, improve their quality of life, and support their overall well-being.

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