Difficult Conversations Prior to Treatment

After a diagnosis of brain cancer, it is likely that surgery or some other treatment will be recommended to remove or shrink the tumor. These treatments can sometimes alter a patient’s mental status and/or ability to communicate. This possibility makes it all the more important for families to consider executing various legal documents to ensure that a patient’s wishes are honored. While it may seem morbid to discuss what treatments or measures should be taken to keep someone alive or comfortable, these documents can help provide guidance and reassurance for …


October 1, 2021

Ivy Brain Tumor Center and SonALAsense Announce Positive Initial Results

The Ivy Brain Tumor Center at Barrow Neurological Institute and SonALAsense announced positive results in their first-in-human Phase 0/1 clinical trial of SDT in recurrent glioblastoma patients. The initial results were presented at the European Society for Medical Oncology Congress today by Nader Sanai, MD, Director of the Ivy Brain Tumor Center. “The Ivy Center’s Phase 0/1 study has shown a promising translation of the preclinical results of SDT in patients with glioblastoma.


September 21, 2021

Limitations of the Standard of Care for Patients with Brain Tumors

Since I started my training, there was the establishment of what’s currently the standard of care. Which is the concurrent use of radiation and temozolomide and adjuvant temozolomide. That, unfortunately, has not changed though, in the last 15 years. So although I got to see the transformation of the field and maybe for the first time, a large number of patients who have five years and beyond survival, we still have not been able to really make that a reality for a majority of patients. So we’ve unfortunately had some limitations in the advancements since that time.


September 10, 2021

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