Advocacy for the Brain Tumor Community in Ohio
Rep. Crossman sponsored the House Bill 230 proposing May as Brain Cancer Awareness Month in the state of Ohio.
December 17, 2019
Rep. Crossman sponsored the House Bill 230 proposing May as Brain Cancer Awareness Month in the state of Ohio.
December 17, 2019
A note from Head For The Cure Founder and Board President, Matt Anthony. Each and every Head for the Cure 5K event is a special day of celebration, inspiration and remembrance for the lives and legacies of people …
August 24, 2019
A Note from Head for the Cure Executive Director Head for the Cure was thrilled to endorse the resolution of officially making July 17th National Glioblastoma Awareness Day. The inaugural day sparked a breathtaking movement …
July 31, 2019
Advocating for brain tumor patients and caregivers is crucial in the work done at the Head for the Cure Foundation to defeat brain cancer! That’s why we are asking you to join Head for the Cure, and Ohio State Representative Jeff Crossman, …
July 30, 2019
The United States Congress officially recognized people fighting brain tumors with the first-ever Glioblastoma Awareness Day. After this disease took the lives of Senator Ted Kennedy of Massachusetts in 2009 and John McCain of Arizona …
July 17, 2019
The National Brain Tumor Society (NBTS) has announced that July 17th will now be recognized as Glioblastoma Awareness Day across the country. With the support of Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) as a sponsor and co-sponsors …
July 3, 2019
Advocating for brain tumor patients and caregivers is crucial to the mission of Brains for the Cure. That’s why we’re asking our readers, to provide your opinions on an extremely important matter. Please take the time to read the notice …
June 21, 2019
People in this community can probably name a few big names from the world of politics who fought brain tumors. But this week, we feature 5 people who are fighting brain tumors in public in …
March 22, 2019
This week, we see a number of stories that explore advances in observing and understanding tumors, including a new technique that uses artificial intelligence to spot potential brain tumor metastasis.
March 22, 2019
Taking One Step At A Time Brecken | Low-grade Astrocytoma Glioma – Hypothalamic Region | Diagnosed at Age 5 Written by Patti, Brecken’s Mom At the end of March, 2015, Brecken began having …
November 9, 2016